7 steps to the body you want this New Year part 5

Step 5: Add back phase

From day 16 onwards you eat on a 6:1 day ratio, i.e. you eat as per boot camp for 6 days and can have a cheat meal every 7th day at 6pm. Put all the cheat food you want to eat on the table, eat it and as soon as your ass leaves the table the cheat is over – it’ not a cheat evening. From day 16 onwards for two 7-day cycles add in all berries, 2 servings a day. You can now have meat and berries for breakfast for example.

From day 30 onwards for two 7-day cycles add in 1 serving of the following fruits per day – cherries, grapefruit, apricots, pears, apples, plums, peaches, oranges and grapes.

From day 44 onwards for two 7-day cycles add in full fat plain yoghurt and live cultures. You don’t have to eat this every day, it’s just allowed. If you are dairy intolerant – avoid it.

From day 58 onwards for two 7-day cycles add in 1 serving of quinoa, brown whole grain rice or amaranth with lunch or dinner.