Heathy eating abroad

I just thought i would share with you that you can still stick to a healthy way of eating when you are abroad. Granted i am in the US right now, but even still with a little preparation you can get it right.

Diet and weight loss abroad

Before we checked in to our hotel we went to Whole Foods market and bought some cooked salmon, chicken, nuts, fruit and salad. At the hotel we are able to rent a mini fridge and the foods can be left inside for a day or two to keep them fresh. This is the case in most hotels these days and can easily be arranged. We had salmon and nuts for breakfast this morning and i walked to the nearest shop to get a black coffee and water. The plan is to eat the chicken and salad for lunch and dinner.

Weight loss diet

Now this might not be the most exciting way to eat whilst you are on holiday, and of course we will go out to dinner now and then, but there is no excuse for not being able to stick to a good diet when you are abroad, especially if you have set yourself weight loss goals. As a nutritionist helping people lose weight i am constantly bemused by people when they say “they are going on holiday so expect to put on weight” i believe this is just a BS excuse for letting the indiscipline of excess indulgence and poor self control creep back in to your life.

Tomorrow i’m going to talk about exercise on holiday.