The nutritional cleanse is based around liquid meals – that provide proteins, fibre, vitamins and minerals. Added in to this are a multi vitamin and mineral or supplement that supports biotransformation in the liver, essential fats such as omega 3, essential amino acids, and fibre. In the UK we are very polluted with xenoestrogens from plastics, pesticides, industrial chemicals and personal care products so I would then orientate the cleanse to detoxify oestrogen such as using DIM, calcium d glucurate and sulphurophane. Finally supporting sleep is extremely important, as this is when a lot of the detoxification occurs. Using amino acids, herbs and magnesium to aid sleep works well.
Here is a 7 day oestrogen orientated cleanse that one of my clients did. The morning of the cleanse she was 67.8kg at 17.8% body fat and had a 32 inch waist.
On waking
Hot water with lemon
15 grams of Primal Fibre 1 in a full glass of water